You are a traveler.
You have been wandering about the kingdom of Hallydia for many months, and your supplies are running low. You usually come across a dwelling or town to refill and replenish, but the only structure in sight is an abandoned windmill. You have enough water for a few weeks, but you have very little food.
[[You go to the windmill.]]
[[You continue on your way.]]
You walk up to the old mill and you see a wooden door hanging ajar.
[[You open the door.]]
[[You turn around and leave the mill.]]
You walk away from the mill along a gravel path until you come to a large black cylinder floating a meter off of the ground.
[[You break into a run, away from the object.]]
[[You advance slowly to the cylinder.]]
[[You attempt to smash the cylinder with your walking-stick.]]
The door opens easily, like it has been opened many times before. Immediatly you are confronted by an overpowering aroma of cooking meat, through a door to your right.
[[You rush towards the smell.]]
[[You turn around and leave the mill.]]
The delicious odor is memserizing. You dash through the door into a long white hallway lined with mirrors that seems to go on forever, despite being contained in a small windmill. The door closes behind you and locks into place.
[[You pull out your knife and begin to move forward.]]
[[You turn to smash a mirror in rage.]]
Although the hallway seems lengthy, you come to a small room fairly quickly. The room has eight walls and many oddly-shaped windows, but when you attempt to look out of them they disappear. There is a black hood on a table in the center of the room. There seems to be no way out.
[[You put on the hood.]]
[[You throw the table at a mirror, breaking it.]]
The mirror shatters and disappears along with the hallway. You find yourself in the top of the windmill, which is full of grain and bread. There is a trapdoor in the floor and a small balcony from which you could conceivably jump off.
[[You fill your pack with bread and open the trap to climb down from the mill.]]
[[You fill your pack and jump off the balcony.]]
[[You decide that the bread may not be good for you and climb down.]]
[[You decide that the bread may not be good for you and jump off.]]
You run back to the road.
[[You continue on your way.]]
Once the hood is on, you fall backward into something soft. A booming voice rings out from somehwere behind you as fabric is pressed to your face.
"Hey, does this smell like chloroform to you?"
You slowly lose consciousness.
When you wake up, you are dressed in a thin grey jumpsuit, and your hands are tied to each other. You cannot move any part of your body, and you have been placed onto a plush featherbed.
You here the booming voice again.
"If you wish to leave here alive, you must answer my riddle."
"If you do not know the answer, say so, and I may let you go anyway."
"What is HuRoP multiplied by EuroP?"
[[I don't know, please spare me.]]
The mirror shatters and disappears along with the hallway. You find yourself in the top of the windmill, which is full of grain and bread. There is a trapdoor in the floor and a small balcony from which you could conceivably jump off.
[[You fill your pack with bread and open the trap to climb down from the mill.]]
[[You fill your pack and jump off the balcony.]]
[[You decide that the bread may not be good for you and climb down.]]
[[You decide that the bread may not be good for you and jump off.]]
[[You arrive at the door from whence you came.]]
[[You land safely.]]
[[You land safely.]]
[[You arrive at the door from whence you came.]]
[[You continue on your way.]]
[[You continue on your way.]]
"Correct, sort of. I said 'answer my riddle,' not 'answer it correctly.' So, just by guessing incorrectly, you are correct!"
[[You are let go.]]
"Correct, sort of. I said 'answer my riddle,' not 'answer it correctly.' So, just by guessing incorrectly, you are correct!"
[[You are let go.]]
"Correct, sort of. I said 'answer my riddle,' not 'answer it correctly.' So, just by guessing incorrectly, you are correct!"
[[You are let go.]]
"You are truly stupid. I didn't say 'answer my riddle correctly," did I? All you had to do was guess. Goodbye."
[[The End]]
You leave the mill, still hungry. You come upon a black cylinder hovvering in the road.
[[You attempt to smash the cylinder with your walking-stick.]]
[[You advance slowly to the cylinder.]]
[[You break into a run, away from the object.]]
The End.
Almost immediatly, the object reappars in front of you, blocking your way.
[[You break into a run, away from the object.]]
[[You advance slowly to the cylinder.]]
[[You attempt to smash the cylinder with your walking-stick.]]
As you move forward, the cylinder teleports 15 feet away from you. You follow, and it does the same thing.
[[You follow the cylinder to wherever it leads you.]]
[[You attempt to smash the cylinder with your walking-stick.]]
[[You break into a run, away from the object.]]
It breaks, but it immediatly reappears.
[[You advance slowly to the cylinder.]]
[[You break into a run, away from the object.]]
You have found your guide. The mysterious object leads to to food, water, and treasure. It wards off evil. Many people join you, the Prophet of the Dark Lord. They are your disciples. You live forever, satisfied in the way of your God.
[[The End]]